
How to enable Multiple Window like Samsung on any Android device...?

Hi everyone. Today we will discuss about enabling the Samsung Multi window Feature in every Android Device greater than Android 4+. It is available on Samsung high end devices but now it can be enabled on any android device.
Multi Window Feature is a superb utility tool for every android user. It is a set of apps lying on the side column and they can be selected while you are multitasking around with your device. The greatest advantage is the app grouping feature, with the help of which we can launch two apps simultaneously running at the top or left, the other one in the bottom or right.

Multi Window Feature was previously and originally available to Samsung only, but now with the help of xda developers, it was successfully imported on other devices! Experiments lies behind each achievement!
So, let’s begin with it.
This app needs a rooted device to run. This is because it is performing a change in the root directory of your device, which needs root permissions to perform. If your device is not rooted, or if you dont know the term rooting, then this is not for you. Please root your device to continue.
The steps mentioned or described below is meant for advanced android users and not for noobs. You should understand what you are doing. If you do experiments here, then don’t blame us for any bad results. Be informed that these type of experiments may brick your device. Always have a nandroid backup of your entire ROM before continuing. If you don’t know how to backup your entire ROM image as it is, check our guide here: Click here.. 

We are no way responsible for what you do to your own properties with your own knowledge. We also don’t force you to do this. Use your brains.
 1. Install Xposed Framework on your android device. Xposed Framework is the greatest customization platform ever created on Android. It helps to grab the best of every other android softwares inside your android. If you already have xposed framework installed then skip this step. Those who didn’t have xposed framework yet may check  here, we have written step by step about how to install xposed framework.
Link: Click Here..

2. Install XMultiwindow Module:
Open Xposed App.
Click Downloads.
Search for XMultiwindow there.
Download a stable version of that.
You can also download it officially from their website. Here is the link: click here..
Here you can see the details of the app written and also the download link is given.

3. Install Multiwindow Sidebar:

4. You will get a notification on the notification bar that xmultiwindow isnt activated yet! Click on that notification and activate it by checking on the tick box. Alternatively you can open xposed app, click on modules, and then click the check box.

5. Reboot device. Keep in mind that you should reboot your device NOT RESTART ONLY! Many people thinks that restart and reboot are the same thing. Its not. You should reboot it properly else it may not work. If you have a doubt regarding what is exactly rebooting, and how to do that. check here: click here..

6. Check if the module was activated by going to xposed app.

7. Open Multiwindow sidebar.

Click Drag Launch Mode. Choose Xmultiwindow in the dialog box that appears.
Click Tap Launch Mode. Choose Xmultiwindw (Top) in the dialog box that appears.
Click Select Apps. Click Add. Add up the apps you like.

8. You’re done. Close all apps and you will be fascinated to see that your device also looks like the samsung grand devices! Now you can select your own app while browsing and take pride having a samsung feature yourself!

9. This is experimental: The two pane feature! It allows to split your screen into two parts and use two apps. Not all app works.

Expand the multiwindow, by swiping right from the edge of your screen.
In the bottom, click on the arrow that is pointing upward.
Click on the Two pane with a plus sign icon.
You will see a window popup asking to choose two apps, the first app opens on top or left, the second one on the bottom or right!
Chose the apps and create a group.

Expand the multiwindow again and choose the group that you made just now!
Voila! Now you will see both apps running like you wanted!

Drag any app from there and drop it on the part of screen you want (upward or downward as you want and try. This also works for some devices.
Congrats! You just learnt how to enable multiwindow on any android device!
keep enjoying...

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